"Every great work of art is the moral progress of humanity"
Ludwig van Beethoven


Energoinstal is perceived as very active in the promotion of art and culture in its region. The Stanisław Wyspiański Teatr Slaski in Katowice is a special place in the area of provided support and constant care. Mr. Stanislaw Więcek, Chairman of the Board, sitting in the Council of Patrons of the Silesian Theatre has been supporting actively the Theatre for many years. Our activity in this area was recognized with a special award "Wyspiański Mecenasom" and the nomination to the Prize of Benefactor of Polish Culture.

Energoinstal’s support also includes:

  • religious festivals and concerts
  • classical music concerts
  • painting, sculpture
  • Museum of the History of Katowice,  Museum of Barbara and Stanislaw Ptak
  • socially important book publications or educational films
  • other valuable regional initiatives.
Enipro ZEC Energoservice Energorem El-Gor ENIZO
Enitech TL InterBud West Energoinstal Enitec